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The Lich King

The Lich is a spellcasting Hero that can attack land and air units.

He can learn the following spells:

  • Frost Nova-Creates an explosion of frost that damages and slows one enemy unit and harms all nearby enemy units.
  • Forst Armor-Improves the armor of one friendly unit and encases it in a shield of ice that slows enemy melee attackers.
  • Dark Ritual-Destroys one of your undead units to replenish the mana of Lich
  • Death and Decay-Damages all units and buildings in a large area of effect. Can Destroy Trees.

Lich History :

While on Draenor, Ner'zhul commanded a number of orcish warlocks and spell-wielding death knights. Yet, when Kil'jaeden and the Legion captured these sorcerers after that world's destruction, they were transformed into twisted, spectral aberrations of their former selves. These newly born liches posessed tremendous magical powers, yet their former selves. These newly born liches possessed tremendous magical powers, yet their imortal, undead bodies were bound to the iron will of Ner'zhul. As payment for their undying loyalty to Ner'zhul, the Lick King granted them control over the furious elements of Northrend. Now, the liches wield frost magic along with their own considerable necromantic spells.

Level Attack (Ground/Air) Armor Strength Agility Intelligence Hit Points Mana
1 22-28 [25 avg] 2 15 14 20 475 300
2 25-31 [28 avg] 3 17 15 23 525 345
3 28-34 [31 avg] 3 19 16 26 575 390
4 32-38 [35 avg] 3 21 17 30 625 450
5 35-41 [38 avg] 3 23 18 33 675 495
6 39-45 [42 avg] 4 25 19 37 725 555
7 42-48 [45 avg] 4 27 20 40 775 600
8 44-51 [48 avg] 4 29 21 43 825 645
9 49-55 [52 avg] 5 31 22 47 875 705
10 52-58 [55 avg] 5 33 23 50 925 750

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Disclaimer: Warcraft Evolution has not created any part of Warcraft 3 the game itself or any of its components. Warcraft Evolution does not promote hacking in any form at all due to the recent reports. Warcraft Evolution is not associated with Blizzard Entertainment in any way. We wish to give respect to the Blizzard Entertainment for creating such a kick-butt game.