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The Keeper of the Grove

This hero has ranged attack that harms land and air units.

He can learn the following abilities:

  • Entangling roots-Roots enemy ground units in place and deal damage to them over time.
  • Force of Nature-Summons Treants from trees to fight on behalf of the keeper.
  • Thorns Aura-Gives all nearby friendly units an aura that damages any melee units that attack them.
  • Tranquility-Heals all nearby friendly units.

Keeper of the Grove History :

The enchanted keepers are the favored sons of the demigod, Cenarius. Like their lesser dryad sisters, the keepers appear to be half night elf and half stag, . They have enormous antlers and manges of leaves that flow down their backs. Their right hands are the disfigured and twisted like the gnarled rootclaws of the treants. Keepers possess many strange powers over nature and the animals. Though they typically remain within the sacred Moon Glades of Mount Hyjal, the keepers always heed the call to arms when the lands of Kalimdor are threatened.

Level Attack (Ground/Air) Armor Strength Agility Intelligence Hit Points Mana
1 20-26 [23 avg] 3 16 15 18 500 270
2 22-28 [25 avg] 3 17 16 20 525 300
3 25-31 [28 avg] 3 19 18 23 575 345
4 28-34 [31 avg] 4 21 19 26 625 390
5 30-36 [33 avg] 4 23 21 28 675 420
6 33-39 [36 avg] 5 25 22 31 725 465
7 36-42 [39 avg] 5 26 24 34 750 510
8 38-44 [41 avg] 6 28 25 36 800 540
9 41-47 [44 avg] 6 30 27 39 850 585
10 44-50 [47 avg] 6 32 28 42 900 630

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Disclaimer: Warcraft Evolution has not created any part of Warcraft 3 the game itself or any of its components. Warcraft Evolution does not promote hacking in any form at all due to the recent reports. Warcraft Evolution is not associated with Blizzard Entertainment in any way. We wish to give respect to the Blizzard Entertainment for creating such a kick-butt game.