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The Far Seer

This spellcasting hero has ranged attack that affects land and air units.

He can learn the following spells:

  • Chain Lightning-Fires a bolt of lightning that arcs to multiple units, dealing less damage with each hit.
  • Far Sight-Temporarily unveils a portion of the map, revealing invisible units aswell.
  • Feral Spirit-Summons two spirit wolves to serve the Far Seer for a limited time. The type of wolf summoned improves as the spell is increased.
  • Earthquake-Damages all buildings in an area of effect and slows all units caught in the area.

Far Seer History :

Far Seers are ancient orcs who represent the pinnacle of shamanistic power. These powerful shamans are counted amongst Thrall's closest advisors and are constantly in tune with the workings and maneuverings of the horde. Farseers are not the only tied to the elements of earth and sky, but are also adept at foretelling the future. Their wisdom is outshined only by their courage and ferocity in combat. When the enemies of the horde advance, the farseers mount their loyal dire wolves and wade into battle wielding all the elemental powers of their shamanistic birthright.

Level Attack (Ground/Air) Armor Strength Agility Intelligence Hit Points Mana
1 21-27 [24 avg] 3 15 18 19 475 285
2 24-30 [27 avg] 4 17 19 22 525 330
3 27-33 [30 avg] 4 19 20 25 575 375
4 30-36 [33 avg] 4 21 21 28 625 420
5 33-39 [36 avg] 5 23 22 31 675 465
6 36-42 [39 avg] 5 25 23 34 725 510
7 39-45 [42 avg] 5 27 24 37 775 555
8 42-48 [45 avg] 6 29 25 40 825 600
9 45-51 [48 avg] 6 31 26 43 875 645
10 48-54 [51 avg] 6 33 27 46 925 690

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Disclaimer: Warcraft Evolution has not created any part of Warcraft 3 the game itself or any of its components. Warcraft Evolution does not promote hacking in any form at all due to the recent reports. Warcraft Evolution is not associated with Blizzard Entertainment in any way. We wish to give respect to the Blizzard Entertainment for creating such a kick-butt game.